4 votes Vote

Promote Conan to übermod!

Since he's obviously using the grey matter in his skull!

Jojo , 05.12.2011, 13:13
Idea status: under consideration


conan, 06.12.2011, 08:06
you seem to give criticsm without any form of knowledge.
Fact: 2 players were reset by bowser because he did not take the time to investigate why they were on the same ip, had he done so he would have discovered the reason why. My suggestion is aimed to avoid that situation again, have a good day
invisibleman, 07.12.2011, 05:58
1. Pushing many amounts of resources to another village on the same ip to make it really strong is cheating. Not saying this is the case cause I don't know what you are talking of. It is wise when joining a game if you are going to share ip with someone that you automatically message moderation and/or admin to let them know. If you play any other game mods aren't even supposed to ask about the situation or why they are doing what they are doing, if there is cheating going on. A player can say anything they want. Does not prove they are who they say they are, hence why it is important to let them know ahead of time and yet still not be using the accounts to build each other up.
2. A mod can't do the actually resetting. It is reviewed and approved by the administration (daedeloth or vilmore). They are the ones that push the button that resets accounts.
conan, 07.12.2011, 06:47
I understand all of that, but players that have played the game before and one has been a mod then you would think questions would be asked, they did inform the developers but somehow the recomendations by the mod were accepted without question.
This idea is to stop this happening again, nothing else, not calling anyone incompetent just that we have to be sure we do it right and not loose a great player like we have.
Invisibleman, 15.12.2011, 13:36
Allright, i get your point!
I will talk to the admins (Deadeloth and Vilmore) and tell them to give you moderator status.
This way you can also take a closer look at whats going on in the game.
invisibleman, 15.12.2011, 17:02
As anyone can see that is not the real invisibleman posting.

Invisibleman, Today, 14:36
Allright, i get your point!
I will talk to the admins (Deadeloth and Vilmore) and tell them to give you moderator status.
This way you can also take a closer look at whats going on in the game.
invisibleman, 15.12.2011, 17:04
I did not say I will ask for anyone to be mod. Anyone hearby reading any future posts might as well not believe 100% all being typed, as anyone can put any name. Deadeloth can see where the real one is coming from.
Deadeloth, 16.12.2011, 09:31
I can, it's no problem for me...
As you can see all postings from invisible are from the same ip.
Someone is pulling your leg!

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