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I would like to be able to send my outpost runes to my main without the 25% restriction.

taz , 04.12.2011, 05:36
Idea status: under consideration


invisibleman, 07.12.2011, 05:48
The reasoning for this I believe was to prevent players from over using their outposts in a manner. The way was an outpost is so small so they attack smaller players over and over without growing. Then they send all their runes up to the main village. Thus making them invincible because they could defend the smaller if they wanted with their main or just rebuild it easy from protected runes.
taz, 09.12.2011, 19:31
then perhaps make it impossible to do rune trades with other players at all because trade ladders are formed regardless and there is no rule that says you cant give runes to a player that is 10% bigger. Maybe make it so that if you need to trade a rune into a different one, you have to do one of the quests that Daed puts into the underworld update. Like, it will cost you 1 wind rune to compete but the reward is an earth rune and some resources or HP/MP. Or get rid of the rune system and make building contingent on your current level and resources only. if you are only allowed to get to upgrade to lvl9 warehouse until you've evolved into the next game level, it will make you do the quests and gain XP to continue upgrading your buildings more.
Wham_ra, 14.12.2011, 17:15
Funy stuff!
If i'm not mistaking here that's exactly what 2 former mods did a while ago...
Result was very good, a balanced server... since that rule is gone it's unbalanced again and new players have no chance to grow.

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